Section outline

  • LLP programme logo AMORES logo

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This course reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

  • In this section you can find a tutorial which will help you to use and understand Moodle in a student role.

    • This forum is intended for the course participants to introduce themselves and exchange their views and expectations regarding the AMORES methodology course.

  • In this week we wanted to give Denmark and the UK a chance to discuss their Top Trumps idea, but so that everyone else would be able to get involved, we wanted to address the idea of games-based learning in general. This is a relevant topic for many of us, so it should be a useful thing to discuss. Furthermore, the AMORES methodology takes an unusual approach, in that it is looking at creating artefacts. Students designing games has a far greater potential for learning than just playing them, so this is also a chance for us to discuss our ideas about how we could use games design in our teaching.

  • This is a chance to have a look at Edmodo and discuss how we can use it in our teaching. We will also be looking at ethical considerations and how to inform parents about using Edmodo.

  • In this last section of the course, we're going to take a closer look at videoconferencing. A videoconference will be set up for everyone to take part and complete the course in something approximating a face-to-face environment.

  • This section (appearing as "week 6" in the schedule) is where we can get together to come up with the basic information we need for the implementation phase. We need to get the key things sorted by the end of June but the discussion here can go on as long as everyone wants. Some part of this will be easier once we have covered the topic in the course, but this section is the location where everyone can work out their collaborations with each other.


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