It is important to note that the course was originally conceived as a form of teacher training within the AMORES project. The course aims were primarily to enable the teachers directly involved in the project to develop basic skills necessary for use of interactive ICT tools for creating e-artefacts effectively, and for creating activities envisaged in methodologies which will motivate students to read and learn about their national literature and national literatures of other European countries.

Prior to the online course the teachers had participated in a face-to-face workshop held at Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, in the UK in March 2014, during which they shared expertise and started to plan the curriculum during the implementation phase. The course was therefore developed taking into account the draft version of the teaching methodology as well as the technology selection report - two of the key outputs of the project.   

Course delivery took place over a period of six weeks, from 19 May to 30 June 2014. Although this was not part of the original plan, two pre-workshop weeks were held to familiarise the participants with the online environment: from 5 May to 18 May. The training was facilitated by four online instructors. Fifteen teachers from Croatia, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and UK took part: eleven teachers whose schools are participating in the project, as well as four teachers from outside the project who were their guests. It was felt that guest participation would contribute to project sustainability.

The course was to a very considerable extent made up of participant contributions; i.e. the exchange of ideas in the form of discussions and sharing of e-artefacts that the participants had created.  

This is a revised version of the course, the revisions being in large part a result of the feedback and the suggestions obtained from the course participants. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 30 December 2014, 10:43 PM

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