Modul 2.

  1. CEDEFOP, 2006. Competence Framework for VET professions. Preuzeto 25.6.2013. s
  2. Department of Training and Workforce Development, Government of Western Australia, 2012. Guidelines for Assessing Competence in VET. Preuzeto 5.7.2013. s
  3. Barret H., 2001. Electronic Portfolios - A chapter in Educational Technology; An Encyclopedia. Preuzeto s

Modul 4.

  1. Horton W. (2006). “e-Learning by Design”. Pfeiffer, San Francisco.
  2. Pfeifer, Bonk C., Zhang K. (2008). Empowering Online Learning and ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  3. Beetham, H. (2007). “An approach to learning activity design” [in:] ”Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age”, Routledge
  4. Salmon G. (2003). “e-Tivities. The key to active online learning”. Kogan Page.
  5. R. R. Gajewski “O stylach uczenia się i I-edukacji”. Preuzeto 20.6.2013. s

 Modul 5.

  1. Brady, A., Conlan, O., Wade, V. (2004). Dynamic composition and personalization of PDA based eLearning - personalized mLearning. In proceedings “E-learning in Corporate, Goverment, Healthcare and High Education”. Chesapeake.
  2. Rosenberg M. (2006). Beyond E-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance. Pfeiffer, San Francisco.
  3. Interactive services (2013). Mobile learning that works.

Modul 6.

  1. Rosenberg M. (2006), Beyond E-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance. Pfeiffer, San Francisco.
  2. ISKME (2008) What is Localization?

Modul 7.

  1. B. Gross Davis (1993) Tools For Teaching., chapter "Motivating Students". Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, USA. 
  2. Capturing and Directing the Motivation to Learn (1998) Speaking On Teaching. Stanford University Newsletter On Teaching. Preuzeto 30.8.2010. s
  3. (2012) "The problem with eLearning isn't eLearning; it's motivation". Preuzeto 3.6.2013. s
  4. Education corner “Online Education and The Challenge of Motivation”. Preuzeto 3.6.2013. s

Modul 8.

  1. Morris T. (2005), Working in teams: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Preuzeto 13.8.2013. s
  2. Learn Briefing, Self Directed Work Teams Develop In Stages. Preuzeto 12.8.2010. s
  3. Stein J., Working on teams: Using the Stages of Team Development; Human Resources at MIT. Preuzeto 4.8.2010. s
  4. Tuckman J. (1977) - [in:] eTivities Gilly Salmon p.144
  5. Shank P. (2007), The Online Learning idea book: 95 Proven Ways to Enhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning, Pfeiffer, San Francisco, pp. 57-61, 68-72

Modul 9.

  1. W. Horton “e-Learning by Design” Pfeifer 2006
  2. Shank P. (2007), The Online Learning idea book: 95 Proven Ways to Enhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning, Pfeiffer, San Francisco
  3. Generating and Facilitating Engaging and Effective Online Discussions (University of Oregon). Preuzeto 29.5.2013. s

Modul 10.

  1. McLaughlin, C. (2002), Learner Support In Distance And Networked Learning Environments: Ten Dimensions For Successful Design. Distance Education 25 (2), pp.149-162.
  2. Salmon, G. (2000) “E-moderating”, table “E-moderator competencies”, pp. 54-55.
  3. Smith, P., Blake, D. (2005). Facilitating learning through effective teaching. At a glance. National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Australian Government. Preuzeto 1.7.2013. s
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